New responsibilities as the president of Arkansas’ Independent Colleges and Universities.
The start of a legislative session that will require me to be at the Arkansas state Capitol almost every day.
A huge snow (at least by Arkansas standards) that had me stuck at home on Sunday and Monday.
All of these are reasons why Southern Fried has been taking a break for the past few days.
But for all who have asked, the answer is “yes.” The blog will live on.
There are some new posts planned for the days ahead. I promise.
For now, enjoy the fact that the Southeastern Conference has captured its fifth consecutive national title in football. It’s enough for me to yell War Eagle.
And how about that freshman running back from Little Rock?
Think about it.
The University of Alabama had a native Arkansan (Paul “Bear” Bryant) as its greatest coach ever. Auburn later goes the native Arkansan route with Tommy Tuberville.
Last night, the Tigers’ gem of an offensive coordinator is an Arkansan, their best offensive lineman is an Arkansan, a receiver who scores a touchdown is an Arkansan and the best running back on the field is an Arkansan.
You’re welcome, state of Alabama.
We’ve helped your two top football programs a lot through the years.
Try to stay warm, everyone. It’s cold out there. We’ll talk soon.